New features for Pxt

Pxt product family from Michael Koch GmbH: Active Energy Management devices with new features
Enviromental award Baden-Württemberg

In the “Industrial company with up to 250 employees” category, Michael Koch GmbH was awarded the 2022 environmental prize of the state of Baden-Württemberg.
Premier-plaque of honor of SME

Date of the award: 2019 Michael Koch GmbH was awarded with the “Premier-plaque of honor“ at the nationwide gala of the “Grand Prix for small and medium-sized enterprises“ in Germany. Only three enterprises are honored with this award throughout Germany. This unique and therefore very special honor was presented to the managing partners Christine and […]
The Main Prize “Premier” goes to Michael Koch GmbH 2016

Date of Award: 2016 Koch are the German Champions, so to speak. At the nationwide gala of the Grand Prix of small and medium-sized enterprises, Michael Koch GmbH from Ubstadt-Weiher was awarded with the “Premier”, the highest award of the highly-regarded SME awards. Only three companies received this prize for SMEs on a federal level, […]
B:Efficient Award 2016

Date of Award: 2016 The B:Efficient Award is awarded by the Wirtschaftsjunioren Karlsruhe, a forum of young entreprenuers and managers under 40 years of age who are actively engaged in the corporate world and contribute to sustainability in the region. Under the umbrella organization of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Karlsruhe, they have […]
B:Efficient Award 2014

Date of the award: 2014 he B: Efficient Award is an award bestowed by the Junior Chamber of Karlsruhe. he Junior Chamber is a group of young, independent contractors and local office executives under the age of 40. The group consists of approximately 160 active members and in 2014, its motto was “added value”. After […]
The Innovation Award of Baden-Württemberg 2013

Date of the award: 2013 “Dr.-Rudolf-Eberle-Preis” Our dynamic energy combination DEK combines a buffer module and an uninterruptible power supply in one unit. With the DEK we were able to convince the jury of the “Dr. Rudolf-Eberle Prize”, the Innovation Award of the State of Baden-Württemberg.Image removed. The prize and recognition are awarded to medium-sized […]
Winner of the VR Innovation Prize 2013 for small and medium-sized enterprises

Date of the award: 2013 For the development of our dynamic energy storage DES we received the top prize at this year’s VR Innovation prize 2013 for SME’s. The aim of the Innovation Competition of the Volks and Raiffeisenbanks in Baden-Wuerttemberg is to support the inventiveness and creativity of medium sized enterprises. The dynamic energy […]
German Innovation Award 2013

Date of the award: 2013 Finalist of the German Innovation Award in the category “Medium-Sized Enterprises” On 22th April 2013, the finalists of the German Innovation Award 2013 were announced. In the category “Medium-Sized Enterprises” we were nominated for our Dynamic Energy Storage DES by the jury as one of the two finalists. “The German […]
Environmental Award for Companies in Baden-Wurttemberg 2012

Date of the award ceremony: 2012 Michael Koch GmbH awarded nomination certificate Since 1993, Baden-Wurttemberg’s Environmental Award for Companies recognizes companies for outstanding achievements in the field of environmental protection and sustainable business practices. In 2012, this award was awarded for the 15th time in the categories “Industry”, “Crafts” and “Trade and Services”. In addition, […]